Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Yesterday I think I almost got F killed. It wasn't on purpose though! I believe that I was the intended target..

It all started with me and F meeting up for lunch. We finally decided that we would go check out my old girlfriend's job, which is a great Thai fast food place. It could have been hazardous to venture to the Thai place if she still would have worked there, but fortunately she has found love in London and hopefully don't hate me as much any more.

Anyway! When we get there we each take our own register and start to order and that is when I noticed that the guy at F's register is sort of eyeballing me. The cute little Thai girl that I was ordering from was a delight and a bit flirtatious, but the guy at F's register just wouldn't stop glancing intense looks at me. That was when I remembered that I had been introduced to him several times and I had managed to forget him each time as well. He had thing for my ex but I don't easily feel threatened and never really took notice of him.

F and I got our food and on our way to the table I just had to mention that "That guy totally gave me the evil eye" and F just laughed it off as me being paranoid. We sit down and start eating and after 30 seconds F's face suddenly shifts and his eyes' widened. Then he started to do the international sign for "my food is extremely spicy", which is flailing his hands in the air, having panic written on is face and grabbing towards anything liquid. I responded by doing the only appropriate thing that a friend can do when another friend is in such a situation, I started to laugh my head off.

After a couple of minutes when F's pain had started to ebb out we both investigated his food and found TWELVE full pieces of Piri Piris. Piri Piris is like the second strongest chili in the world and just to give you a reference.. When I use it to cook a pasta for eight people I use three which I grind up. Now this is of course Thai food but still! I healthy young man would have gone in to cardiac arrest if he would eat twelve Piri Piris.

My yellow curry chicken was absolutely delicious though. *Note to self. Never order from the guy with the evil eye.*