Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Delicious Food

How come each time I'm on my own I eat terrible and unhealthy food? I've become some what of a gourmand with pre-processed food where I add some ingredients to whatever and make it look decent. The meal looks decent but it is still just garbage in terms of food. There is a reason that Chicky-Bits is called Chicky instead of chicken.

I have even noticed that sometimes I invite friends over just so that I have a reason to cook something real. If you think that this might mean you.. It doesn't. I mean someone completely else and that statement had nothing to do with you. The only reason I had you over was because you were such a god damn god laugh and great company. Right?

But this is now going to change! At least half of all meals must be considered "good food" and to be sure that my body doesn't go in to shock I will have to up my candy dosage by 300 percent. I like being healthy.

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