Friday, February 23, 2007

Say what?

I was on the phone with someone who will go unmentioned.. But! She is a semi-celebrity who of some reason never has to pay for her cab rides. Not with money anyway..

Anyhow! We had been talking on the phone for almost twenty minutes about this and that, then from nowhere she says - "Ahh.. That's strange.. My telephone is glowing. Almost like I'm talking to someone on the phone".

It isn't easy when you're not used to your new hands-free set and hungover. I guess..

Also here is a wonderful quote I found on a really cool homepage

Chris: So I fucked her... again tonight.
: Dude, you're so gross I would never fuck her.
Chris: This is coming from the same guy who fucked Jamie and said "LOOSEST VAGINA EVER."
: I've also fucked a bald chick.
: Why am I friends with you?
: Because you need a friend who has weirder and grosser sexual encounters so it makes you feel better about yourself. Dorele fucked a batch of cookie dough and he's my best friend.
-The true meaning of friendship

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