Sunday, February 4, 2007

The white circle of shame

Today I decided that my complexion was getting way too close to that of a corpse that was recently washed up on shore. In other words.. I was pale as a ghost. Even though I have a tanning salon just next door, I have always had my doubts. It just doesn't feel manly. But! I felt that my masculinity just had to bend in order to erase a bit of winter from my skin.

So I went down the elevator in my slippers, baggy pants and old t-shirt feeling like a Greek god who just got out of bed and hadn't found his fig leaf just yet. I met couple of curious/annoyed looks that tried to convey that you just don't go outside in the winter here in Sweden dressed like that. But fifteen seconds later I was safe in the salon, but the looks from people on the street were simply changed to the two very pretty girls who just had came out from their little session and were applying their face masks. I wasn't really in chatty mood but when I saw that one of the girls had brought her baby chihuahua I lit up with childish joy!

I haven't mentioned it before but I am the proud father of beautiful little chihuahua girl by the name of Dee Dee, who is currently in her mother's custody. Dee is surprisingly good with computers and usually is the one that does my spellchecking so if you're reading this Dee.. Love you!

But back to the enthralling story! Me and the little dog (don't remember his name but I christened him Tiny) got along really well even though he constantly kept biting and licking my fingers. I tried to explain to him that it wasn't very sanitary to do that on strangers. But Tiny was lucky as I wash my hands 32 times a day ever since I had that incident with the transvestite. God he was a beautiful girl. EEUuuuw wait a sec.. I have to go wash my hands again.

Back! I fell asleep in the tanning bed and was jolted back to reality when it went of with loud thud. Then I got a bit hungry when I noticed that I smelled a little like grilled chicken and licked my arm to see if I tasted like I smelt, but I just tasted salty. Then I realised that I just had tasted my own sweat and didn't really know how to react.

But after all this an epiphany occurred! I got out of the shower and examined my manly muscles and my equipment, did the helicopter for a couple of twirls and finally I took a look at my sculpted buttocks where I found an almost perfectly round white circle. What? Is this a part of tanning? was I supposed to turn around at some point? Hmm.. maybe I shouldn't have been naked. But I like being naked! This will be examined in depth.. Maybe I can ask Tiny next time I meet him. I realized that my epiphany was a bit to naughty to be put down in writing but I'll maybe let you in on the secret another time. *winking smiley*

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