Thursday, January 31, 2008

Game Theory - Not Playing By The Rules

Some of you may be aware that there already is a concept of Game Theory but here is my take on things while travelling with Chris and Sara.

In all of my life have I never ever even come close to playing as much different games as I am now. It is literally non stop gaming action from dusk till dusk. First there are the standard variety of a multitude of different card games that is constantly played as long as the wind doesn't insist on stealing our cards.

Then a new game to me which I've noticed that I am somewhat of a prodigy at is playing Yatzee. Chris and Sara call me a lucky bastard (I like to see it more as a combination of skill and extremely good karma) and my record so far is 317 points which is supposed to be a big deal, but I don't know. They don't even mind anymore when I don't want to play, which also is a first.

Then there are the real "sport" games as pool, bowling, guitar hero and thumb wars. All in which I also am unbeatable. Nooooooow.. Chris and Sara might beg to differ but that's just lame excuses for being sucky. Be a good looser- that’s what I say.

I have never had the good grace to be good looser of one simple fact. I have never experienced defeat. It is concept that is unknown to me.

So my one big wish before we get back home is that Chris or Sara actually beat me in anything just so I can get a taste of that feeling that they feel every time we play something. *wish wish wish*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the one and only biggest looser my love.. I can give you Zatzy but dont ever take away my bowling and my pool.. love you though.. sara