Friday, April 27, 2007

The Peaceful Warrior

Just saw a wonderful movie. Found the trailer on apple trailers ages ago and right away felt that this was a movie that I had to see. But the movie never made to it Swedish theaters and not even to the video stores, so I just sort of forgot about the whole thing.

Then yesterday I was browsing through new movies on Pirate Bay and there it was.. I couldn't believe it. Popped it for download and just now shared it with A. Who just happened to fall asleep during it.. I hope that she was just exhausted because I loved the movie.

It shows you how to live in the moment. Not to think of the outcome and not to be guided by the past. How there is never not anything happening. To get rid of all the garbage that clouds your mind. It made me think. More than usual.. Why I desire the things I want.

If you don't like the thinking part you can still see the movie because of the action, hot girls and guys grinding and all the mad hip hop beats. But they are a bit into the movie.. So listen to the stuff they are saying just for a laugh and then there is the big reward with tits and ass.
I promise! Tits and ass for the whole family.

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