Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A new beginning?

Well.. I'm basically sick and tired of being sick and tired without a single reason. So, what to do? The first thing is that I''m going to share my plan with anyone interested enough to listen and have them bust my balls like a demon from hell if I don't follow my own new creed. And I heard that if you share your plan with others the success rate increases dramatically but failure is not an option here.

With any problem you have to figure out a reasonable solution and commit yourself to go through with that solution all the way. No half measures god dammit. In order to gain something, something of equal value must be sacrificed. If you want more money, work more. If you want to get bigger, train harder. Very few things here in life is free and those that are should be cherished.

So first things first. I will appreciate those that are close to me and make sure that they know how much I appreciate them. Maybe not in words because I feel that actions speak a lot louder.

I will have a dramatic decrease of female encounters. I have to stop meeting women in order to confirm that I'm desired. I'm not sure if I'm looking for something but now I know at least what I don't want. From now on its just fun gaming! I want to get back to the old me where I just loved talking to everyone around me.

Third.. No more shortcuts in life. I often blame not being able to do much because of school and at intervals this is very true. But in those periods in between I will get of my lazy ass and get things done. I will start to train again as I know how great I feel from everything that comes from that part of my life. I will start more side projects in order to get money to fund this summer. I want to travel through Europe but I want to have a good friend to go with me. Going alone can be great but I want to share this with someone. And the last short-cut is my goddamn room. I've been talking about fixing it up for months now but its time to really make it mine and make/keep it look just awesome.

Finally I want to say thanks. Thank you for giving me this life because it has infinite potential and all I have to do is get of my ass and find fulfillment. I my life isn't what I want it to be then I will change it. Those steps above are the first many to come.

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