Thursday, June 14, 2007

Up and Down

Elevators have the mundane task to go up and sometimes even down. To make thing even more complicated for the poor things, they have stop at the right floor as well. It is not really the most difficult job in the world.

I don't know if it is out of spite or boredom but my elevator has rebelled against me. The situation has not exactly reached the same level as Terminator 2 or I, Robot but things are heating up. My elevator is just damn evil.

Things started out with that, one day that my useless keys just didn't work. I twisted the poor thing until, I swear to god, it screamed for me to stop. Then I also noticed that someone had stolen my beloved "Beware of the killer chihuahua"-sign on my door which made me really mad. But I kept on trying to get my keys to work like a madman -- I had to get in right!?

Then it hit me, I was on the wrong floor.. And had been basically been trying to break into my neighbors apartment for past five minutes. I rushed up to my own floor properly embarrassed and scared that they would open their door, but I thought that I just pressed the wrong button. I was wrong.

This was the start of our war. Mr Elevator is now officially my nemesis. Now he simply doesn't stop at my floor anymore. Instead he opts for the floor below, just to mess with me. So I have to press the sixth floor and then punch the emergency stop so I can get of at my place. Yeah that's normal..

The best thing was yesterday when I was on my way down with my roomie and a seriously loud KLONK sound came, not once but twice. That was when I reached my limit and called the "If you have problems with your elevator call bla bla bla". They answered surprisingly fast, and I was still on my way down when I was explaining the situation when something white and large just flew down in front of me!

Guy on phone - "That sort of sounded like something fell down"

I'm not getting on that fucker until I know they had it properly fixed. And of course I live on the fifth floor.

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