Friday, April 18, 2008

He's Back!

Hi everyone! I'm finally back in front of a decent looking keyboard (not only squiggly letters) and on a Internet line that I haven't "hacked" to. For the record - Don't have "default" as your network password.

Weeeeeeell! Since last there's been some serious alterations to my travel agenda. First, I decided to stay another month. Secondly, I decided to blow what savings/non-existing budget I had to fly to "the true other side of the earth" aka Not China aka The Land of the Tree Dropping, Incontinent and Savage Grey Teddybears aka Aussieland.

But even before that I went to one of the of the coolest parties I've ever been to.. Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan. There was, I don't know how many thousands of tourists, partying in unison, dancing like madmen in the pouring rain and a lot of people drugged out their mind. A pretty sweet and foremost different experience to say the least, but what made it just that much better.. Was this.

Just imagine what it actually would take to make this true. First travelling with a friend who passes out (maybe not the most incredible part). And then not just passes out, but is so wasted you can do pretty much whatever you want to him. Then here start the brilliant bit, shaming him in a more than adequate way. Seeing how wonderful all this is and taking a memorable picture to celebrate the occasion.

And here is the pure genius part - Making hundreds of copies of "Pineapple Man" and putting them up ALL over the island. There really ought to be a Nobel prize for the man who credits this idea and if it isn't then I'm instituting one now. Hey, I'm Swedish that ought to allow me make up new Nobel prize categories right?

So here is goes. To the man who came up with this simply brilliant idea I Maximilian of Sweden award you the Nobel prize of Awesomeness (which I previously have won three years in the row but is happy to pass on). You prize is a beer and it can be collected in Stockholm at any time. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

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