Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Poker with the Devil

I can still not for the life of me understand or remember why I started to play poker. Maybe it was the large amounts of money that I was going to make or the possible recognition from friends that led me to hope that I too could quickly become a pro.

Instead this damned game has on several times been close to giving me a gut wrenching heart-attack, it is directly responsible that my keyboard isn't fully functional anymore and there is a gash in the wall that magically appeared after a bad beat. A bad beat for those who isn't aware with the term is when you are inches from a mountain of wonderful money and instead the computer spits you in the face while twisting your balls. Honest to god it does. You almost feel like puking. Your opponent obviously all of the sudden sold his soul to the devil in order to take home the pot.

The kink is though.. In total I have invested about 250 dollars in learning the game of no limit hold'em poker. When I lose, to me a mind numbingly and sickening bad beat, I lose at most around maybe 30 dollars. When my friends who actually does this for living has a really bad beat they lose thousands dollars.

So what I love to do is consistently share my bad beat stories with my poker playing buddies just to let them know that they are not alone. That there are hobby players out there like myself who understand them fully. They try to point out that I only lose a fraction of their loss but I know better than to listen to them. I don't really care when they lose their money.. If they would have lost my money I would have been furious!

So if your interested in learning texas no limit holdem I'm available for lessons for the meager price of 99$ a lesson. You have to give some to get some. Write that down.

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