Friday, July 13, 2007

A letter of hate

I hate you so much. There is no end to the grievance you have given me and I will never forgive you for what you have done to me over the years. You've emptied my bank account at three separate occasions, just because you had a fit. You have thrown away literally hours of work in front of my eyes. You have spit me in the face and laughed while doing so.

Even though you're great in many ways I feel that our time together will have to substantially diminish and I think I might be leaving you for someone else.

When that finally happens I have decided to give you to my little sister. Tough deal? You bet. But that is what happens when you unleash the FURY of the Max!

I am of course speaking about my computer. It crashed on me again three days ago and I was in tears with the prospect of loosing all my beloved music, movies and pictures! Pure panic ran through my body.

But, after three days of epic battle, my roomie popped in and asked me what I've been so upset about the last couple of days. I explained the situation to him, he took a look at the computer and solved the problem - Within five minutes.

In five damn minutes he solved what I couldn't figure out in three days! I absolutely hate him and I might have to kill him in his sleep.

But since he saved all my stuff I'll spare him. For now..

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