Guess who is back..! I have been away from this wonderful page way too long now everyone. Promise to follow up with one of “usual” posts ASAP but right now I’m here for my New Year’s resolution.
I’ve been absolutely hideous at keeping my new year’s resolution the last five years which have been that I should start smoking. Just can’t seem to pick up the habit. God it’s so annoying when half the party goes out on my balcony and freezes half to death in the Swedish winter while I, not being addicted enough to venture out in the cold, sit in my manly couch with a Pink Panther cocktail completely convinced that all they are doing is talking about me.
And you might think but that I’m very self-centered to think that all people do is to talk about me, but I’m not. I am just a incredibly amazing person. Which brings me back to my topic! This year I won’t do the regular New Year’s resolution of: Loose ten pounds, be nicer to my siblings, learn how to smoke while at the same time looking really cool (not coughing like an lung cancer patient), get that penis reduction surgery and more. But this year I will make a list of characteristics I want to eventually embody and make a long term plan to develop and maintain these characteristics. So here we go..
1. Smart
2. Adventurous
3. Creative
4. Funny
5. Loyal
6. Honest
7. Hard-working
8. Open Minded
9. Happy
10. Disciplined
11. Healthy
12. Emotionally open
13. Diplomatic
14. Energetic
15. Passionate
16. Brave
17. Optimistic
18. Challenging
19. Lover of women
20. Charming
22.Good Friend
23. Educated
24. Trustworthy
25. In control of myself and situations
26. Rich
27. Artistic
28. Fun
29. Sexually adventurous
30. Humble
31. Classy
32. At peace
33. Calm and Relaxed
34. a non procrastinator
35. Clean and organized
36. Opinionated
37. Controlled drinker
38. Sophisticated
39. Immune to social pressure
Have a great New Year’s everyone! *M